Why Join the Academy?
The Academy is the home for all current and future audiologists. We are comprised of members from diverse backgrounds with wide-ranging practice focuses who work in a variety of settings across the globe.
As a membership-driven organization, the Academy’s values, priorities, and initiatives are determined by our members. Join your peers and colleagues and help us set the standard for hearing and balance health care.
Value of Membership
Academy membership is about being part of a collective voice. Together, we advocate for your profession and the patients you serve. We support the growth of your profession through research and academic initiatives. And, we provide you with access to world-class education, resources, and tools. Learn more about what we have to offer and how we can help you achieve your personal and professional goals.

"Membership with the Academy gives you access to a wide range of valuable resources the Academy has to offer. This has always been an amazing community to be part of."
Daniel Romero, AuD, PhD
Vanderbilt University
Membership Types and Dues Rates
Academy membership runs on a calendar year (January-December). Dues are pro-rated March-August for new and rejoining members. Pro-rated dues rates are automatically calculated during check-out.
A $75 application fee is charged for new members and expired members.
Automatic yearly and monthly payments are available through the Academy’s EZ Pay program. The Academy also offers a Member Support Program for members experiencing challenging financial circumstances.
All membership applications require supporting documentation. Membership will not be activated until all required supporting documentation is received and reviewed by Academy staff. Contact the Academy's membership department with questions regarding status of membership.
Affiliate Member
$330 Annually/$27.50 monthly*
An individual holding at least a Master's degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning and possesses an active professional interest in hearing, hearing science, or audiology. An Affiliate Member is not an audiologist or is not otherwise eligible for Professional Member membership.
Audiology Assistant Affiliate
$80 annually/$6.67 monthly*
An individual providing hearing or balance care services in a supporting role to an audiologist. Audiology Assistant Affiliates must be sponsored and require supervision by a current Academy Professional Member. An Audiology Assistant Affiliate member is not an audiologist or is not otherwise eligible for Professional Member membership.
Professional Member
$330 annually/$27.50 monthly*
Practicing audiologists or audiologists employed in other audiology-related work settings (academia/education, industry, manufacturing, research, etc.) holding a Master's degree in audiology or equivalent thereof from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning before January 1, 2007, or a Doctoral degree in audiology or equivalent thereof from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning if earned after January 1, 2007.
Must hold a state audiology license or be license-eligible.
International Member
$230 annually/$19.17 monthly*
An individual who resides and practices outside of the United States and its territories and/or one who possesses non-U.S. formal academic training and/or clinical or research experience in the area of audiology; there is no restriction on the type of degree held.
Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) Member
$65 annually/$5.42 monthly*
An individual who is either enrolled in an audiology-related doctoral program for their first doctorate degree at a regionally accredited institution of higher learning or an undergraduate/post-
A SAA Member is not an individual who has already earned their first doctoral degree and is otherwise eligible for Professional Member or International Member membership.
*Monthly subscription requires enrollment in the Academy’s EZ Pay Program. Learn more about the Academy’s EZ Pay Program and how to enroll.
Special Membership Types
Special membership categories are available to members that qualify. Eligibility requirements are provided below, contact the Academy’s membership department for membership dues rates and to apply.
*Monthly subscription requires enrollment in the Academy’s EZ Pay Program. Learn more about the Academy’s EZ Pay Program and how to enroll.

Welcome New Members!
The Academy would like to welcome the newest members that joined its membership in October 2024. Thank you for your support!
Life Members
The Academy would like to recognize its life members. Life members are longstanding members of the Academy that qualified for this honorary member status by being members of the Academy for 30 years or more.
Member Spotlight Program
The Academy is recognizing the accomplishments and contributions of Academy members within the organization and the profession of audiology. Check out what your fellow audiology colleagues have been up to by reading their spotlights.