Discussion Forums are innovative and collaborative sessions that will further engage attendees to build connections and share best practices. Think of the Discussion Forums as specialty group rooms, each led by a session moderator.
Attendees will sit at round tables of 10 and the session moderator will be charged with posing questions/guided talking points for the tables to consider and discuss throughout the 60-minute session. After each group is given ample time to collaborate on a question posed by the moderator, attendees will then be invited to share their conclusions with the rest of the audience. The groups will have the chance to discuss roughly 4-5 questions/issues.
There will be time left at the end of the session for open forum discussion as well. Althougth the main subject matter to be discussed is led/guided by the session moderator throughout the session, the best practices and solutions shared at the table come down to you! The moderator will be available throughout the session to help tables as needed.
CEUs will be earned for attending a Discussion Forum.
Thursday, March 27, 2:15 – 3:15 pm
Moderator: Jason Galster, PhD
Moderator: Maggie Kettler, AuD
Practice Management
Moderator: Tracy Murphy, AuD
Moderator: Liz Fuemmeler, AuD