Representing the interests of audiologists and future audiologists nationwide, the Academy is dedicated to fulfilling its mission: providing quality hearing-care services through professional development, education, research, and increased public awareness of hearing and balance conditions.
AAA 2025+HearTECH Expo is your chance to engage with thousands of audiologists, audiology students, and hearing health-care professionals from all around the world, all in one place all at one time. The conference brings the audiology community together to focus on the most current developments, clinical best practices, education, technology, and research in the field of audiology.
Why Should You Become a Sponsor?
- Drive new leads, increase sales, and market share.*
*According to a study conducted by the Center for Exhibition Industry Research, (CEIR), sponsorship can increase booth traffic by 104 percent. - Differentiate yourself with your target market.
- Target a new customer group.
- Support the profession that supports you.
- Strengthen existing customer relationships.
- Enhance your company image and prestige.
- Elevate company, product, and brand visibility across the audiology community.
- Contribute to better patient outcomes and the advancement of the audiology field.
- Impress upon the entire audiology community your commitment to their professional success.
Your customers are not just looking for great products and services. They are looking for solutions. They are looking for a partner they can trust.

Sponsorship and promotion create sensory experiences and high-impact impressions that influence the audiologist community. They get you noticed and get results.
2025 Sponsorship and Promotional Opportunities
AAA 2025+HearTECH Expo is the only way to meet, engage, and influence the entire Academy member and non-member community! Please contact Glenn Feder for more information.
*Sponsors will be recognized on the AAA 2025 website and in promotional materials.
Corporate Partners
By strategically aligning with the Academy and its affiliated organizations, you can become an Academy Corporate Partner and get brand visibility, industry cache, and unique benefits across the Academy, while also contributing to the organization that gives back to the audiology community.
As an Academy Corporate Partner, you will build your brand and position your company with audiologists worldwide, as an industry leader, trusted advisor and partner through engaging the Academy, enhancing the Academy’s initiatives, improving membership benefits, and building rapport with the world’s largest professional organization of, by and for audiologists.
Please reach out to Glenn Feder directly so we can work with you to understand your strategic goals and how we can assist you in your business development plans. Corporate partners receive special discounts and other enhancements by participating in this program. We look forward to building a long-term relationship with you and your brand.
Year-Round Marketing Opportunities
Marketing your products and services through the American Academy of Audiology provides an opportunity to target our members and tailor your message to them. Our members have over 564,000 opportunities every month to recommend your products to more than 48 million Americans who suffer from hearing loss, so don’t miss the chance to reach this audience.
Here are some ways to market with us:
- Blast E-mail Sponsorships
Send your customized message to the Academy’s membership on the Academy’s blast e-mail template or send your message to the AAA 2025+HearTECH Expo pre-registered attendees on the blast e-mail template designed for the conference. Learn more about these opportunities by contacting Glenn Feder. - Advertising
Print and digital options are available in Audiology Today magazine, the AAA 2022 e-newsletter and website and more. Learn more about the Academy’s advertising opportunities. Questions or comments Contact Eric Gershowitz (410-584-1938) with MCI Group (formerly Network Media Partners).
Exhibiting/Sponsorship Policy
Need more information regarding the exhibiting/sponsorship policy. Access the policy here.