October Is National Audiology Awareness Month
The Academy is dedicated to advancing the profession through increasing public awareness of audiology and the importance of hearing protection. Raise awareness on social media and share hearing and balance statistics with your network and potential patients.

Why See an Audiologist?
Audiologists are the primary health-care professionals who evaluate, diagnose, treat, and manage hearing loss and balance disorders in individuals of all ages from infants and teens to adults and the elderly.
Infographics and Posters
Use Academy public resources to raise awareness about hearing and balance disorders, hearing protection, over-the-counter hearing aids, and more. Post these infographics and posters on social media, in blogs, or distribute at your practice setting.
What Is Tinnitus?
Affecting approximately 30 million Americans, tinnitus is the perception of noises within the ears or head (e.g. ringing, buzzing, etc.) in the absence of an external sound. Learn more about tinnitus symptoms, causes, and the role of the audiologist.
Public Awareness Events

World Hearing Day
March 3
The Academy supports this worldwide awareness initiative created by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Better Hearing Month
Show your support by updating your cover photo and sharing a featured web article to your social network.

Balance Awareness Week
September 15-21
Audiologists play a key role in helping to diagnose and manage vestibular and balance disorders in adults and children.

Educational Audiology Awareness Week
October 21–25
The Academy supports Educational Audiology Awareness Week, an observance designated by the Educational Audiology Association.

National Audiology Awareness Month
The Academy is dedicated to advancing the profession through increasing public awareness of audiology and the importance of hearing protection.

International Cochlear Implant Day
February 25
The Academy supports this awareness initiative created by the American Cochlear Implant Alliance (ACIA).