Publication Date
May 1, 2013
Supplement to the JCIH 2007 Position Statement: Principles and Guidelines for Early Intervention After Confirmation That a Child Is Deaf or Hard of Hearing
This document has been retired. This document is a supplement to the recommendations in the 2007 position statement of the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing (JCIH) and provides comprehensive guidelines for early hearing detection and intervention programs on establishing strong early intervention systems with appropriate expertise to meet the needs of children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Publication Date
October 1, 2007
Year 2007 Position Statement: Principles and Guidelines for Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Programs
Developed by the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing. Replaced by the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing “Year 2019 Position Statement: Principles and Guidelines for Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Programs.”