CMS Instructions and Form for ABN and ABN Manual
Choose the CMS R-131 zip file ink which contains the up to date ABN instructions and the ABN form in English and Spanish. The ABN form is available in both PDF and DOC format. The DOC format can be individualized for your practice according to CMS instructions.
CMS Audiology Policies
Articles and Items of Interest
PECOS Enrollment Tutorial - Change of Information for an Individual Provider
Audiology Organization's ABN Q & A
Audiology Today, July/August 2012
Advanced Beneficiary Notices (ABN) and Usage for Voluntary (Non-Covered) Services for Medicare Only
Audiology Today, May/June 2010
Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN), Form CMS-R-131, Updated Manual Instructions
The purpose of the information provided by the American Academy of Audiology Coding and Reimbursement Committee is to provide general information and educational guidance to audiologists. Action taken with respect to the information provided is an individual choice. The American Academy of Audiology hereby disclaims any responsibility for the consequences of any action(s) taken by any individual(s) as a result of using the information provided, and reader agrees not to take action against, or seek to hold, or hold liable, the American Academy of Audiology for the reader's use of the information provided. As used herein, the "American Academy of Audiology" shall be defined to include its directors, officers, employees, volunteers, members, and agents.