One Time Gift
Make a donation to the Foundation online.
Make a donation with PayPal.
- Champion: $5,000 and above
- Leader: $2,020-$4,999
- Ambassador: $1,000-$2,019
- Supporter: $500-$999
- Friend: $250-$499

Tribute Gifts
Make a contribution in honor of a colleague who has gone above and beyond to advance audiology. Commemorate the accomplishments of a family member, friend, or colleague with a gift in their honor. Each honoree will receive a celebratory acknowledgment of your generosity.
For help or information about setting up corporate gifts or endowed scholarships contact:
The American Academy of Audiology Foundation is a success story because of its many volunteers and generous supporters. The history of the Foundation is such that those who have been asked to serve as a Trustee have given tremendously in terms of their time, talents, and treasures. However, there is always much work to be done and we need you to help us accomplish our goals.
If you are interested in serving as a Foundation Board Trustee, please do reach out to us so we can stay connected with you. New Trustees are selected each year in the spring to take the place of the out-going class of Trustees who have served the Foundation, the Academy, and the profession admirably.
In addition, we are in the process of building a volunteer program filled with interesting short-term and long-term volunteer opportunities to help us with mission-focused projects, so stay tuned!
In the interim, the AAAF is always in need of individuals interested in helping support our annual ‘Auction 4 Audiology,’ completing research for our targeted outreach efforts, and more. For more information, please contact the Foundation at 800-881-5410.