By Judy Huch
This article is a part of the September/October 2021, Volume 33, Number 5, Audiology Today issue.
As a past member, and now current chair, of the Academy’s Public Awareness Committee, I want to share my story and thoughts about how I help to spread the word about hearing-health care and audiology—and how you can, too.
While I know this last year or two has been challenging for many of us, we need to work together, remain strong, and continue to advocate for our profession and for the best care of the patients we serve.
My Story
I have had the privilege of being an audiologist for 30 years and have experienced every season in this industry. There are topics that have remained the same, one of which is advocacy (raising audiology to the level of star status in the medical field and top of mind for those we serve).
I have worked in private practice (except for an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) internship) and I purchased my own practice within five years of graduating with my master’s degree in the 1990s. As a working mother, I raised two sons while running my practice. I realize there were years where I felt I was successful if, by the end of the week, my kids were alive and I was able to make payroll.
I have been through struggles in this profession, but I hope to continue bringing ideas from others so we can take up the mantle of audiology advocacy in whatever capacity we are able to in the moment. As I have developed my leadership skills, I continue to put things through the filter of love and legacy as we move our profession forward.
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