A recent systematic review suggests people with Parkinson’s disease may find some benefit in vestibular rehabilitation to improve postural balance. Postural imbalance and falls are a common occurrence in patients with Parkinson’s disease, a progressive disease which affects many areas of the central and peripheral nervous system, including the vestibular system (do Amaral et al, 2024).
Investigators initially found 485 studies; however, only three studies met the criteria for inclusion. While the included studies showed a positive impact on posture regardless of the stage of the disease, researchers found the overall quality of evidence as low. More robust studies are needed to better understand the potential impact vestibular rehabilitation programs may have on this patient population.
do Amaral CMS, de Almeida SB, de Almeida RP, et al. (2024) Effectiveness of vestibular rehabilitation on postural balance in Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMC Neurol 24(161).
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